With €5 we can give water to the entire academy for 3 training sessions.

With €10 we can buy 1 soccer ball or feed 12 children.

With €30 we can feed 35 children or we can buy first aid medicines for all the children at the academy.

With €70 we can feed the entire academy, or pay for malaria treatment for 2 children.

You can also join our Teaming Group where you will donate 1€ every month.

Help us to reach our goals and become part of this journey

Did you know that you can deduct your donations from your tax return?

Natural persons:

The first 250€ donated give you rights to an 80% deduction.

From 250€ and above, you have rights to a deduction of at least 40%. Recurring donators* have the right to a 45% deduction.

Legal Entities:

Companies have a right to deduct 45% of their donations. Recurring donators* can deduct a 50%.

Resident donators in the Basque Country and Navarra can apply the donations set by the Provincial Law.