We invite people from all around the world who want to live a unique and unparalleled experience. From the organization, we strive to make this volunteering experience different from others, where you will create a genuine impact in the community.


Football coach

Hospital assistant

School teacher

Profile needed


To be part of our project is necessary to be at least 18 years old on the program start date.


It is important to speak English to be able to communicate with the community, and especially with the children.


It is required to show the Criminal Background Check and Yellow Fever vaccination.


The most important thing is being proactive, willing to help and integrate within the community.

1. Accomodation

You will stay in a hostel, very close to where we train with the children, with security 24 hours a day. In addition, at all times you will have volunteer coordinators, who will be responsible for you, and they will show you, not only the way to the training camps, but also to any place you need to go, such as supermarkets, places to buy data, markets, etc. Also, if you have any questions or problems, they are there to help you so you can have the best possible experience. 

2. Airport Pick-up

Accra has one international airport called Kokota International Airport that is located in the capital, Accra. The airport is about 1h away by car from Buduburam camp. Someone will be waiting for you there when you arrive, so that you have a warm welcome to the country. You will have to send the flight data in advance, so that there is no problem.

3. Food and Beverages

Volunteer coordinators will prepare 2 meals per day for you. The food there is spicy, but it will be cooked in such a way that it will suit your taste. Likewise, you will have the opportunity to try typical food of the country. Each meal comes with bottled water.

4. Internet Access

There is no WIFI in the hostel, but mobile data is included with the price you will pay for the volunteer experience. Volunteer coordinators will show you places where you can buy them.

We want volunteers to fully immerse themselves in Ghanaian and Liberian culture, and, above all, become part of the community during their stay. Volunteers are welcomed at the airport, provided with accommodation, two meals a day, a SIM card, and will always be assisted by any member of the LAMSA team.

Included services

Important things to take into account


It is essential that you inform yourself of the vaccines that you have to get to enter the country. Yellow fever is always mandatory.

Travel insurance

We recommend you in this experience to have a travel insurance in order to feel safe in case of a mishap.

Dates and costs

You can visit us anytime of the year and we are flexible within dates. However, we recommend to stay at least 2 weeks in order to have time to add to the project and fully live the experience.

How much does it cost?

We want to be clear that all money is going to be invested in the community. Nobody is earning money from this project. We have established that the price per week will be of 175€. This will cover all the necessary costs for covering your experience and the rest will 100% be invested in the academy. How? Food for the kids, new material and setting up the academy where many of the kids will stay as soon as it is possible.

1 week 200€

2 weeks 375€

4 weeks 600€

3 weeks 500€

A day in Buduburam

Your day starts 8am in the morning after breakfast. You will start training a group of kids from different ages from 8:30 am to 12:pm when it's time for lunch break. Football coaching will continue from 3pm to 6pm. You will coach more than 50 kids per day. You will be in charge of the development of young footballers' basic skills and techniques. You will co-ordinate coaching sessions around topics such as development of ball control, accurate passing, keeping possession, game tactics and moving into space. Furthermore, you will help the coaches to plan match strategies and take practice games.

As a volunteer you will assist the local coach with training the kids. You can implement special training methods if you want to. This is a great opportunity to become an integral part of the local community and explore and understand the Ghanaian people and their culture through the eyes of the people you are helping.

Free-time activities

The schedule above is proposed by our academy, but we are very flexible. We understand that volunteers want to also visit Ghana and have time to relax. There are infinite activities that you can do on weekends or evenings. When staying in Buduburam you can chill on the evening in different pubs and restaurants where young refugees hang-out. On weekends we recommend visiting Accra and Cape Coast. The refugee camp is between these two cities so you will be near both locations!

Ghana has so much to offer volunteers with its rich culture, festivals, food, art & craft centers, castles & forts, long sandy beaches, national parks, waterfalls, rain forest and other interesting places to visit. Volunteers who come to Ghana experience these even more fully by getting an insider's understanding of the country. Every weekend we organize trips for our volunteers to travel throughout Ghana to experience the Ghanaian cultural and explore.

Our program is an excellent opportunity to combine adventurous foreign travel with a worthwhile job as a volunteer. You will improve your transferable skills such as team-working, presentation and communication. Above all, this is an unrivaled opportunity to gain an insight into a completely different culture and way of life. Our projects are not all about work, volunteers get opportunities to explore this beautiful part of West Africa. Accra, Elmina and Cape Coast Castle, Kakum National Park and Nzulezo Stilt Village are all within few hours from the community you will be staying in, Ghana offers an array of varying cultures and landscapes including national parks and stunning rainforests.