80 players

We have 4 teams: U-10, U-13 and U-15, and female team


The change starts with you

The players train three times a week after school in sessions lasting an hour and a half, led by two coaches. On weekends, they compete in matches against other local academies and clubs. Daily contact with the coaches is maintained, along with ongoing communication with parents to ensure the project's success.

So far, they have played more than 60 matches against experienced clubs in the region, which has fostered a positive atmosphere and mutual respect among academies. The matches have been held both on our own field and on external fields, including artificial turf fields that offer better conditions for practicing football. LAMSA organizes these activities with the purpose of promoting the sport and its values, providing exciting experiences, and uniting the community.

Other activities

At our academy, we instill essential values such as teamwork, effort, and humility, which are fundamental for both the athletic and personal development of our players. At LAMSA, we are strongly committed to the education of children, so it is mandatory for them to attend school.

Furthermore, we encourage responsibility in the children, who are required to take care of their uniforms and bring them to each match. We want them to feel a sense of ownership and care for their sports gear.

We also organize additional activities, such as post-training birthday celebrations, where the children can enjoy a snack, music, and a pleasant atmosphere to strengthen friendships and community bonds with the academy.

Our vision

Our short-term goal is to make sure that as many kids as possible can enjoy soccer under the best possible circumstances.


Since the inception of LAMSA in September 2022, financial resources have been allocated on a monthly basis for the purchase of equipment, including boots, balls, vests, cones, and uniforms, ensuring good conditions for both training sessions and friendly matches against other academies in the area. In addition, we also provide water at all training sessions and a weekly meal to allow all members of LAMSA to replenish their energy and further strengthen the team.

Healthcare assistance

One of our priorities is to ensure the health of our players. That's why we also commit to covering healthcare expenses. Children are susceptible to illnesses, which is a major concern for their families. We continuously invest in medicines and medical supplies to treat injuries and fund treatments for conditions such as malaria and typhoid fever, among others.

We organize various activities to help the community and allow them to benefit from this project. In addition to the volunteer work we arrange, which benefits different businesses in the community, we host various activities in which the children take center stage. One of these activities is the clean-up of litter from the streets of Buduburam, one of the community's most significant challenges. We have also organized different football  tournaments with the top academies in the region.

Collaboration with the local community